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What is negative ion therapy?

Perhaps the better question is what are negative ions? Negative Ions are negatively charged particles that are found in the air we breathe. They form a healthy balance in fresh air with positively charged ions. When the balance is disturbed by pollution in the air, the negative ions in the air are depleted. Thus, the more negative ions in the air, the healthier the air is. Richway Biomats emit negative ions and purify the air around you, providing a healthier environment to enjoy the infrared therapy that they also provide.*

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The necessity of ions

Its a scientific fact that for the cell wall that surrounds our body's cells to perform its duties properly, it must have enough negative ions inside it and around it. When the ratio of negative ions to positive ions decreases below normal, the cell wall cannot properly function. One of the cell wall's main functions is to absorb the nutrition the cell needs to survive and to eliminate waste materials from the cell. When the balance is disturbed by pollution in the air, the cell wall cannot perform properly.

Other health issues that can arise from not enough negative ions in the body are: headaches, stress, lumbago, neuralgia, allergies and anemia.

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Negative ion therapy

Now that we understand that not having enough Negative Ions in your body can do to your health, let's look at what adding negative ions to your body can do.

When you add negative ions to your breathing environment:

1. You revitalize cell activity, increasing its metabolic activity, which then increases the rate and completion of the absorption of nutrition and speeds up the elimination of waste materials in the cell.

2. You increase the ions in the natrium (salt) and calcium in the blood and this increases the alkalinity in the blood which purifies the blood.

3. You increase the Gamma Globulin in the bloodwhich then makes the blood rich in antibodies and protein which increases the immune system.

4. You help control the balance in the Autonomic Nervous System between the insulin and adrenal functions which increases resistance to disease.



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